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When it comes to eating meat, quality matters. Our meat is sourced from the following reputable brands whose products are produced in accordance with Islamic Shari'aa standards and certified Halal. 

Australia Meat Products

For Australian farmers, animal welfare is their number one priority. Most of these farms are family owned and the animals are raised with tender, loving care. Animal welfare is a way of life in Australia and regulated by laws enforced by Government

And when it comes to the natural environment, very few countries in the world are as fortunate as Australia with animals having abundant access to clean water, food and fresh air.

Grassfed VS Grainfed

Australian grassfed beef is from cattle which grazed on natural grassland. The meat is lean thoroughly and low in fat. It is tender and flavourful.

Australian grainfed beef is from cattle which are fed for a minimum number of days on grains (nutritional balanced, high energy feed) such as barley, oat, wheat, sorghum and corn. Grainfed cattle will yield meat of a more consistent meat colour and fat colour. 

New Zealand Meat Products

With a mild climate and ample space, the New Zealand environment is ideally suited to natural farming methods, a high standard of animal welfare and environmental care. Their grass-fed, low stress animals produce world class red meat with a flavourful taste and tender eating quality.

Norway Seafood Products

Norway’s unique natural landscape creates the perfect home for some of the world’s most popular seafood. Built on a heritage of respect for the sea and surrounding environment, Norwegians foster a deep respect for the natural environment, especially the sea and its inhabitants. Grateful to have inherited such a plentiful environment, Norwegians feel they have a duty to protect these rich stocks for future generations.

    puresouthlogo_foiltexture_small_rgb.png Norway Seafood

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